Zombie Networks

In a research paper introduce 1~2 important news articles about your research topic. Provide a summary of the article. Provide 1~2 reasons why you think this topic is important.

Topic (Virtual Private Network) Research Paper: 1) Introduce 1~2 important news articles about your research topic. Provide a summary of the article. https://www.spiceworks.com/collaboration/remote-support/guest-article/how-to-improve-your-vpn-speeds/ https://www.torproject.org/ https://cybernews.com/privacy/what-is-tor-and-how-does-it-work/ What is a sniffing attack?   https://www.crowdstrike.com/cybersecurity-101/zero-trust-security/ https://www.byos.io/blog/the-problem-with-vpns 2) Provide 1~2 reasons why you think this topic is important. 3) Address 2~3 possible research goals (e.g., This research project will […]

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