Marshall text Submit a book summary of Marshall Howard. New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press 2004. Your precis papers should be 1,500 words (5-6 pages of double-spaced text).
Explain the challenges associated with reporting data to crime databases (such as the UCR, NIBRS, or the NCVS) experienced by victims, witnesses and police.
CRIME Explain the challenges associated with reporting data to crime databases (such as the UCR, NIBRS, or the NCVS) experienced by victims, witnesses and police. Make sure to include police-related factors that may affect reported crime rates. Explain the challenges associated with the accuracy of victim responses to victimization surveys.
Prepare a coursework paper discussing the interviewing of victims, witnesses, and suspects. Include the steps in the interview process.
First Officer on Scene Prepare a coursework paper discussing the interviewing of victims, witnesses, and suspects. Include the steps in the interview process. (200 words or more, 100 points)