
Summarize your analysis in a 1–2 page executive summary and highlight the complaints that represent the most severe risk to Capra Tek.

Assessment 2: Problems HR Compliance Read through Announcement 3 – Federal Compliance Laws! Viability of each complaint. Use your best judgment based on your reading and understanding of the laws you have reviewed. You need to state your reasons for finding each complaint to be legally viable or not. Be sure to Propose a conclusion […]

Identify who the stakeholders are in the issue.

Business Law S- Stakeholder Identify who the stakeholders are in the issue I-Issue Create a question on what the issue is (for example: is it ethical to use in clothing) M- Model (answer each model in bullet point format) Utilitarianism (outcome-based) Kantian (duty-based) Virtue (virtues-based) A- Analysis The analysis is the breakdown provided in all […]

Identify three potential solutions to the ethical dilemma. Who are the key stakeholders (such as employees, customers/clients, the local community, or the environment)?

Ethical Dilemma For the case you have selected, identify three potential solutions to the ethical dilemma. For each possible solution, consider the potential impacts and outcomes. Who are the key stakeholders (such as employees, customers/clients, the local community, or the environment)? Each potential solution should be viewed through, and explained from, the point of view […]

Compare and contrast deontological ethics with utilitarianism and determine whether either system is more effective in criminal justice.

Deontological ethics with utilitarianism For this assignment, you will write a 500 to 750-word paper. The paper must be properly formatted according to APA writing standards but does not need citations or references. This is an academic paper and must be written and organized as such. Compare and contrast deontological ethics with utilitarianism and determine […]

Analyze at least two additional ethical concepts you develop by reflecting on utilitarianism, Kantianism, Aristotelian virtue ethics and, most importantly, the required readings by Plato.

Case Study 5. Enron’s SPEs: A Vehicle too Far? Paper should have two components. First, it should analyze at least two additional ethical concepts (to the ones developed in the first paper/presentation) you develop by reflecting on utilitarianism, Kantianism, Aristotelian virtue ethics and, most importantly, the required readings by Plato. Second, your paper should develop […]

Which ethical theory would you use to support your stance? Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, including a minimum of one theory of ethics to defend your stance.

Topic: Prenatal Testing To complete each scenario assignment: 1. Complete the entire scenario. 2. Fill out the template attached below, ask your professor for details on submission. 3. Compose the last question on the template reflection in a Word document and be sure to address, at a minimum, the following questions: Why do you feel […]

Write about aspects of philosophy you find important, and to what extent you think philosophy is a valuable part of human existence.

Topic: Importance of Philosophy 750 words or three pages Reflecting on the first three weeks of our class, write about aspects of philosophy you find important, and to what extent you think philosophy is a valuable part of human existence. We’ve discussed morality, cultural relativism, the ring of gyges, selflessness and selfishness, utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, […]

Compare and contrast the two (2) ethics systems. Include an evaluation of the selected systems with respect to a Christian worldview.

Discussion Thread: Christian- and Non-Christian-Based Ethical Systems Options Select two (2) of the following major ethics systems (1 compatible with a Christian worldview and 1 incompatible with a Christian worldview): egoism, enlightened egoism, utilitarianism, deontology, justice, and virtue ethics. Compare and contrast the two (2) ethics systems. Include an evaluation of the selected systems with […]

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