
At what temperature of water will the water dissolve more KClO3 than HCl? How many more grams of HCl can be dissolved in 100 g of water at 60 OC than SO2 at the same temperature?

Solubility Curves Using the following graph to answer the questions. 1) Which material seems to be unaffected by the temperature of the water? 2) Which material is most greatly affected by the temperature of the water? 3a) Which material dissolves the most in 15OC water? b) Which material dissolves the least? 4) At what temperature […]

Choose a time and location where you can observe a cultural scene with multiple people. Then write a reflection about what this activity was like for you. Was this different than people watching you engaged in before starting this class?

Assignment 1: People Watching Activity Choose a time and location where you can observe a cultural scene with multiple people (mall, public transportation, coffee shop, etc.). Quietly observe people for 25 minutes and simply watch what is going on. Do not talk to or interview people during this time. B. Collect field notes (handwritten recommended). […]

Design experiments to study the effects of pH, temperature, and substrate concentration on enzyme activity. Then graph data related to enzyme activity.

Effect of pH, temperature and lactose concentration on lactase activity In this activity, you will study the effect of pH, temperature and lactose concentration on lactase activity. By the end of this activity, you should be able to: design experiments to study the effects of pH, temperature, and substrate concentration on enzyme activity. graph data […]

Discuss at least one real-world application of the physics concept(s) tested in the experiment and include a discussion of the experiment-specific question highlighted near the top of this document.

Topic: Temperature and Heat Physics Experiment Report Format Hypothesis Hypotheses should make specific, testable predictions and are often in IF-THEN form, e.g., “if x is changed, then y will occur.” A hypothesis answers the question, “What is the point of the experiment”? Write a paragraph describing the approach or strategy used to test the hypothesis. […]

Critically evaluate scientific methodologies on the rate at which a chemical reaction proceeds depends on several different factors.

Scientific methodologies Task 3 – Critically evaluate scientific methodologies (700 words) – AC3.1, 3.2 Choose either OPTION 1 OR OPTION 2 below to complete this task. You should only choose ONE option. OPTION 1: The rate at which a chemical reaction proceeds depends on several different factors including: Temperature Concentration of reactants Surface area of […]

Demonstrate how statistical process control charts (SPC charts) are created and how Westgard rules can be applied in your day to day environment.

Demonstrate how statistical process control charts (SPC charts) are created and how Westgard rules can be applied in your day to day environment. You are now supplied with 2 sets of data based upon temperature measures in a fridge. Set 1. 20 data points – used to create an SPC chart. Set 2. 50 Data […]

Other than temperature, state three examples where similar averages are associated with very different distributions.Discuss how that might work in more detail.

Assess Graphs Critically The study field is statistics. This is a discussion post. Resources Video link https://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/59wFBQX4ZoIHpxE_iuqtqJYSZgN3uFMM In this video, the professor discusses how sometimes what is interesting about a data set is not its average but how much it varies. He compares the weather in New York and San Francisco, which have similar average […]

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