social identities

Briefly discuss what she said about identity and illness. In what ways can a person's identity impact how they experience illness?

How Social Identities Shape Illness Comment on your paper about this. Therefore, include the author and title of her work – then briefly discuss what she said about identity and illness. To have an argument think of different identities such as gender, class, race, ethnicity, and any others then answer this: " In what ways […]

Define your own “politics of location.”Establish how your politics of location relates to or influences your response to Rich’s essay.

Response paper on “Notes Toward a Politics of Location” 1.)Begin by introducing Adrienne Rich’s essay “Notes Toward A Politics of Location.” What do you see as an important purpose of her essay? Provide a brief supporting quote here. Who is Rich’s intended audience? How would you describe her tone and her approach to her topic? […]

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