Smart Cities

Select a town or city located in the United States, and write an investigative summary detailing at least one e-government application that has improved public service provided to the citizenry.

Assignment Within the context of Smart Cities, many regions are employing e-technologies to enhance public service. Today’s cities and towns reveal improvements to providing public services because of e-government capabilities. Select a town or city located in the United States, and write an investigative summary detailing at least one e-government application that has improved public […]

Write a research paper on Internet of Things and Smart Systems( something of the nature of Smart Grid Communications, Smart Cities, Smart Communities, Smart Grid, …)

Internet of Things and Smart Systems Write a research paper on Internet of Things and Smart Systems( something of the nature of Smart Grid Communications, Smart Cities, Smart Communities, Smart Grid, …) Expectations (required) Title Abstract Introduction/Background: the “why” Literature Survey: the “where and when” Extended description: the “what” Some Performance/Outcomes (from previous papers or […]

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