service industry

What does Ehreneich’s work experience suggest about working in the service industry and minimum wage?

Ehrenreich Answer following questions: What does Ehreneich’s work experience suggest about working in the service industry and minimum wage? Her book was published over 20 years ago; do you feel things have changed since that time? Do you have any thoughts about this chapter especially in relation to your own work experiences?  

Do you think the same concepts, such as variable costs, fixed costs, mixed costs, and job order costing, can also be applied to the service industry?  Why or why not? 

ASSIGNMENT Many of the concepts in managerial accounting were first developed for the manufacturing environment. Do you think the same concepts, such as variable costs, fixed costs, mixed costs, and job order costing, can also be applied to the service industry?  Why or why not? Focus on a particular service or service industry and illustrate […]

Explain at least 3 different approaches to leadership. How will this form of leadership work for the food service industry that you hope to work in?

LEADERSHIP This assignment is going to focus on leadership. Explain at least 3 different approaches to leadership. What type of leader do you hope to become? How will this form of leadership work for the food service industry that you hope to work in? Do you wish to be led in the same way that […]

Write a formal report on an organisation of your choice looking at how marketing information is used to strategically plan and make business decisions.

Principles of marketing LO1 Describe key marketing principles and apply to a given organisation (Amazon). LO2 Appraise the rationale of marketing decisions taken by a given organisation (Amazon). LO3 Assess the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning specific to a product or service. TASK: Report You have been asked to produce a formal report on […]

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