School system

Do the schools in your area have a school health nurse assigned? If not, how are health care needs within the school district managed?

Assignment Investigate how school health is delivered within your local school system. You can look at one specific school or an entire school district. Do the schools in your area have a school health nurse assigned? If not, how are health care needs within the school district managed? What are ways in your area schools […]

Wite up a plan for increasing awareness to help advocate for the particular group/population that could be implemented in their chosen setting.

Advocacy Plan Review current literature related to multicultural competency, advocacy, and professional counseling. Each focus on an issue relevant to one population of their choosing within either a school system, a clinical mental health setting, or an addiction setting. Then write up a plan for increasing awareness to help advocate for the particular group/population that […]

Write a reply to the uploaded discussion post below, no more than 250 words. Also include a reference.

DISCUSSION POST Write a reply to the uploaded discussion, no more than 250 words. Also include a reference. I think that the sacred and secular divide is seen very often nowadays. there’s a lot of talk about separation of church and state, and I think this often falls into that category. I also think it […]

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