
Does naturalism or evidence of worldly observation on the part of the artist show at all? If yes or no, explain.

Assignment This discussion will focus on comparing Romanesque and Gothic styles. From online sources, choose a pair of sculptures, manuscript illuminations, or church architectural details to research and compare. (If you look for your artworks online, it might be helpful to search by subject matter, as well as period.) One work should be Romanesque, and […]

What influence did the artists Giotto and Claus Sluter have on the Gothic period?

Essay has to be 4 paragraphs Part 1: Examine plates #1 and #2. What defines these pieces as Romanesque? Think about style, subject matter, and function. Part 2: Examine plates #3 and #4. What influence did the artists Giotto and Claus Sluter have on the Gothic period? Be specific. Use references from these videos as […]

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