Discuss what you agree or disagree with what the visitor from outer space pointed as the problem(s) in America.State what you are doing to address the problem(s), other than complaining about them.

CREATIVE RESPONSE TO THE POEM: For this assignment, you are the year 2022 visitor from another planet to earth to study Americans. separately. Answer 1, 2. 3. below. 1) Begin by mentioning something from Hayden’s poem “American Journal” that still captures something about America today. 2) After that opening, focus mainly on what you would […]

Explain the literary elements between these two poems “Those Winter Sunday “ by Robert Hayden and “ Stop all the clocks, cut the phone “ by W.H. Auden.

“Those Winter Sunday “ by Robert Hayden Explain the literary elements between these two poems “Those Winter Sunday “ by Robert Hayden and “ Stop all the clocks, cut the phone “ by W.H. Auden.

Discuss what conflicts are at the heart of two different texts from Module 2, examining how specific literary elements are used to convey them or make them more compelling.

Topic: Discuss what conflicts are at the heart of two different texts from Module 2, examining how specific literary elements are used to convey them or make them more compelling. Remember to correctly punctuate the titles of literary works and include targeted examples for support. For the writer: The two different texts you are going […]

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