restorative justice

Based on the information you reviewed, do you think restorative justice approach would be affective in addressing the issue of school-to-prison pipeline. Why or why not?

Middle Childhood Supplementary In order to complete this assignment: Review the news article published in 2015 using the link below 2- Review the attached scholarly journal article published in 2021 which provides a relatively more comprehensive review of studies on school-to-prison pipeline and the implementation of restorative justice approach to address this issue. Based […]

Explain the intersection between plea bargaining and restorative justice. Discuss a real-world example of restorative justice.

Wk 2 – Restorative Justice Paper Assignment Traditionally, justice centers around retribution and punishment for a wrongdoing. Restorative justice, which is often applied alongside traditional forms of justice, is an alternative theory that is based on restitution between offenders and victims. In this assignment, you explore the concept of restorative justice and consider its effectiveness. […]

Discuss how restorative justice may be affected because of biological factors, psychological factors, and sociological factors.

Restorative justice within the system Looking in a biblical context, and considering all involved within the criminal justice system, evaluate the use of restorative justice within the system in an about five page (1250 words in body) final paper. To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements need to be thoroughly addressed. […]

Explain what Is The Role Of The State In Restorative Justice? And what kind of accountability is required for both, and how can it be achieved?

Chapter 15.What Is The Role Of The State In Restorative Justice? by Vernon E. Jantzi How is this determined? What kind of accountability is required for both, and how can it be achieved? Such questions require, at minimum, an ongoing dialogue both within and between government and civil society sectors.

Is the restorative justice model the way of the future in managing ex-felons as they return to the community?

Restorative Justice Model Discussion Is the restorative justice model the way of the future in managing ex-felons as they return to the community? Do we realistically have the resources to provide parolees with the time and attention to truly affect change? If not, what can be done besides giving up on essential legal and moral […]

Conduct a research on “Restorative Justice in NC” and report on at least five different restorative justice programs that exist in NC.

Restorative Justice in NC. This assignment requires students to conduct some research concerning the topic “Restorative Justice in NC.” This topic/concept is discussed in chapter 8 of your textbook. After conducting your research, you must report on at least five different restorative justice programs that exist in NC. Describe each of the programs in five […]

Create a solution or initiative for the issue chosen, making sure to justify why this will help address the issue by examining at least two research studies on the issue.

“Throughout this course you have revisited some key topics in the criminal justice field—criminological theory, racial profiling and discrimination, restorative justice, and special issues with juvenile offenders. Develop a solution or initiative to address one of the four key issues that has been illustrated throughout this course. The paper should include the following components: Illustrate […]

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