Reform Write a research paper discussing on the impacts of reform.
Conduct a research in justice system in the United States, then write a research paper explaining why the justice system in the United States needs reform.
Justice System in the United States Conduct a research in justice system in the United States, then write a research paper explaining why the justice system in the United States needs reform.
Should people be allowed to vote in federal elections over the Internet? Explain what advantages might such a reform have (e.g. increasing voter turnout, convenience)?
American political system Prompt: Should people be allowed to vote in federal elections over the Internet? How might this be done? What advantages might such a reform have (e.g. increasing voter turnout, convenience)? What problems might arise (e.g. fraud)? Could the problems be solved? If not, would the benefits outweigh the possible problems?
Prepare a capstone Project Paper about how federally we need to reform our juvenile justice system.
Juvenile Justice Reform 8 pages with 12 sources all sources must be books, journals, or other academic resources. Prepare a capstone Project Paper about how federally we need to reform our juvenile justice system