
Write a 1,000 word critical review of the published research report. Provide a brief summary of the qualitative method.

Critical Review (1) – Application and evaluation of real world research Write a 1,000 word critical review of the published research report. The review must: Identify who has done the research (organisation, institution, individual, group of individuals etc) and why the research was undertaken (e.g. to inform policy, to evaluate a program) Identify the research […]

How is storytelling a type of rhetoric/argument and in what situations might you find having the skills to do this useful or important in the real world?

Project Prompt Links to an external site. Look over this document, “Critical Thinking About Identity” There are no answers to this survey and there are no results. It’s just an exercise in meta-cognition . Take some time to think about the questions and reflect on your answers. READ the 4 links in the “What is […]

Review technical information from the Contact Center Case Study and develop two different Status Reports based on the communication plan you developed in Week 3 and 4.

Overview and Rationale In order to demonstrate proficiency with the content in this course and allow you to implement relevant practices in a real-world setting, you are asked to create appropriate status reports based on data about a project. This assignment is a continuation of the Contact Center Case Study. Essential Components In this assignment […]

Choose a topic/concept and elaborate on it. Find something that is interesting and write/talk about what you learned, your thoughts, and how it connects to other topics in the reading/the real world.

Assignment Choose a topic/concept and elaborate on it. Find something that is interesting and talk about what you learned, your thoughts, and how it connects to other topics in the reading/the real world.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each using real-world examples. In replies to peers, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the pros and cons they have identified and explain why.

Distribution Channels 125 WORDS FOR EACH QUESTION. 1.)View “Types of Distribution Channels.” In your own words, describe types of distribution channels and provide an example of each. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each using real-world examples. In replies to peers, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the pros and cons they have identified […]

Identify and share two brief quotes, concepts, or ideas that are related. Explain, with specificity, how the shared quotes/concepts/ideas are connected to each other.

Task(s): Post, Question, Discuss POST: Posts should be written in two distinct sections: Personal & Content PERSONAL: Identify and share a brief quote, concept, or idea introduced in Module 5 Readings & Resources that is of particular relevance to you. (one sentences) Possibilities include but are not limited to information that is personally meaningful, applicable […]

Explore and explain the proposition that statistics is largely about testing hypotheses, drawing conclusions, and making statements about the real world.

Allergy of the cave Write and submit an essay that uses the Allegory of the Cave (from Plato's The Republic at the start of Book VII) to explore and explain the proposition that statistics is largely about testing hypotheses, drawing conclusions, and making statements about the real world. Essay must be well-written, original, cleanly presented, […]

Choose a case or event relating to criminology/criminal justice and apply a particular theory of crime to the topic identified.

Quiz From Text to Table: Applying Theory to the Real World For this assignment, students will choose a case or event relating to criminology/criminal justice and apply a particular theory of crime to the topic identified. Students are required to submit two assignments during the term – one relating to a social structural theory, and […]

Deconstructive application of the SIP, based on Dove’s Project #ShowUs campaign. Create a hypothetical assessment, based on real-world, available facts that would have informed the initial stages of Dove’s planning.

Dove #ShowUs campaign Deconstructive application of the SIP, based on Dove’s Project #ShowUs campaign. Create a hypothetical assessment, based on real-world, available facts that would have informed the initial stages of Dove’s planning. Cover the SIP from Background through Communication Objectives. Focus is not the campaign, but the strategic steps the brand followed to get […]

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