
Find 2 classmate post and explain which TWO classmates’ posts struck you as the clearest, most coherent, and accurate presentation of either Rawls or Nozick?

Topic: Distributive Justice Forum You are going to present a concept from either Rawls or Nozick. Your initial post and peer reply should each consist of approximately 150-200 words. Be sure to complete your original post and your peer reply. Find a peer post. Part I (Original Post) Choose one (and only one) of the […]

Write a comparative analysis of democracy based on readings specified- Parts from Aristotle, Plato, Schumpeter, Dahl, Berlin, Rawls

Comparative analysis of democracy based on readings specified- Parts from Aristotle, Plato, Schumpeter, Dahl, Berlin, Rawls, etc. Free choice of topic, as long as at least 4 (more possible) of the sources are used. Would prefer to discuss thesis and title of paper with writer before writing, given length of paper.

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