
How do we find this process carried out by the Pythagoreans? In this process of abstraction what is the relationship between abstract universal principles and concrete particulars?

Alfred N. Whitehead Answer the following prompt in a paragraph of 3-5 sentences: Alfred North Whitehead describes a process of abstraction that takes place in early Greek formulations of mathematics and metaphysics. 1. What is the process of abstraction according to Whitehead? 2. How do we find this process carried out by the Pythagoreans? 3. […]

What are the main topics investigated in ancient Greek number theory? How much of number theory has a practical application nowadays?

Greek mathematics Given that we have no documents from the time of Greek mathematics—the earliest manuscripts we have are medieval—how can we be sure that the texts we have are actually what the authors wrote?Were the copyists who wrote the early medieval manuscripts simply concerned with reproducing the text faithfully, or is it possible that […]

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