
What was your average fiber intake during the 3 days? Are you getting the recommended amount of daily fiber (38 g /day for men; 25 g/day for women)?

Food Log- Week 1 of Tracking Task 1 This week, log the meal (B [breakfast], L [lunch], D [dinner], S [snack]), food/drink, serving size, # of servings, carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, and calories (kcals). You can fill in protein and fat; however, it is not a requirement for this week. DAY 1 MEAL FOOD/DRINK SERVING SIZE […]

Examine protein purity using gel electrophoresis. Generate a protein concentration standard curve and calculate the concentration of your protein solutions.

ASSIGNMENT Use chromatography to purify a protein of interest. Use a colorimetric assays to examine protein activity and folding. Determine the inhibition of several antibiotics with the protein. Determine how various reagents alter the stability/activity of the protein. Examine protein purity using gel electrophoresis. Generate a protein concentration standard curve and calculate the concentration of […]

What are the differences and similarities in the energy yielding nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) and fiber? Which food has a higher nutritional content?

Assignment 1. Choose 2 comparable foods that you consume regularly (for example 2 fruits, or 2 vegetables – both the same way…raw, dry, steamed, baked, etc.) 2. Click on the link to compare the two foods: to an external site. 3. Calculate the amount of kcal for carbs, protein, and fat using the 4, […]

How has learning about fat and protein affected your motivation to eat a healthier, more balanced diet?

Assignment How has learning about fat and protein affected your motivation to eat a healthier, more balanced diet? What are two foods that you can swap in order to: reduce saturated and/or trans fat; increase monounsaturated and/or polyunsaturated fat; reduce cholesterol; reduce animal-based sources and/or increase plant-based sources; increase protein intake (if protein intake was […]

Complete this Personal Assessment using information you have gathered for at least two weeks on My Fitness Pal and include: My Fitness Pal – Nutrition Outcomes – energy intake, fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber.

Personal Assessment Complete this Personal Assessment using information you have gathered for at least two weeks on My Fitness Pal and include: My Fitness Pal – Nutrition Outcomes – energy intake, fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber. Score your assessment Write a strong paragraph summarizing your outcomes (introduce the the assessment, give your specific scores, explain what […]

Research a diet currently being used by the public. Also discuss the diet plan and the diet’s strengths and weaknesses.

Research a diet currently being used by the public. It can be a commercial diet such as Atkins, Weight Watchers; a regional diet such as Mediterranean; or one that focuses on types of food such as vegan. Identify the name of the diet and its purpose (weight maintenance, long term health, etc.). Explain its key […]

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