
Explain ethical considerations and conflicts of interest and what conflicts of interest exist, given your role and positionality?

Data Coding and Ethics In this assessment, you will examine potential conflicts of interest that might exist because of your role and positionality within the organization in which you will collect data. Then you will actually code your interview transcripts and identify themes to inform the development of your narrative. This will also be a […]

Examine potential conflicts of interest that might exist because of your role and positionality within the organization in which you will collect data.

In this assessment, you will examine potential conflicts of interest that might exist because of your role and positionality within the organization in which you will collect data. Then you will actually code your interview transcripts and identify themes to inform the development of your narrative. This will also be a time to connect these […]

Write a research proposal that needs to be on Augusto Boal’s audience participatory ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ and his concept of the “spect-actor” in his Forum Theatre.

Write a research proposal that needs to be on Augusto Boal’s audience participatory ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ and his concept of the “spect-actor” in his Forum Theatre. Abstract of the paper is as follows :- Augusto Boal famously regards the term “spectator” as less than human. To him, it invokes images of a domesticated, physically […]

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