
Find, observe, and write a reflection paper on their observation of an online worship service of a Christian tradition other than their own and coming from the following list below.

Reflection Paper Participant Observation: Find, observe, and write a reflection paper on their observation of an online worship service of a Christian tradition other than their own and coming from the following list (Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Anglican, Coptic Christian, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopal, Quaker, Moravian, Mennonite, Adventist, etc.). The religious group must be […]

Write a review on this text interacting with the author’s research and include one point of agreement and/or disagreement with the author and why.

Book Review Write a review on this text interacting with the author’s research. In addition to an introduction that summarizes the author’s main point(s), engage with the following three items of feedback: 1) include one point you learned that you did not know previously and how it is helpful to your understanding of the subject; […]

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