Report Paper In your report, you answer the following questions. You must review the course slides before starting the project. Do not copy reports that are publicly available from financial websites. You must rely on your own test results to answer the questions. Limit all your answers to four pages (single space). Use the first […]
Prepare a statistics test on the topics hypothesis testing, measuring evidence with p values, and statistical significance.
Statistics test Prepare a statistics test on the topics hypothesis testing, measuring evidence with p values, and statistical significance.
Provide a research article that provide that shares results and a p-value. Then explain what the p-value means in the context of that particular study.
p-values Focus on an article that uses p-values to draw conclusions about research or studies. Provide a research article that provide that shares results and a p-value.Then explain what the p-value means in the context of that particular study. Can you use get an article based on Education for New York City ..any level
Identify three correct researchers and partially explains selection based on effect size and power. Explain fully the decisions for p values with one error.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency 1: Apply appropriate notation, terminology, procedures, and concepts to statistics problems. Explain the relationship between hypothesis, tests, and population mean. Calculate a one-sample t test in SPSS, and state the hypothesis critical value […]