organisational culture

Select one particular piece of work undertaken in your placement with an individual or a group and to critically analyse the impact on practice and outcomes of one selected topic from the list below.

Understanding & Working in Organisations Task – 2000 2500 word count The aim of the assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the way in which organisational variables (internal & external) and organisational culture affect service delivery in your placement organisation. Draw on a range of organisational theory and social work specific literature. Select one […]

Develop an essay on a contemporary topic and analyse certain management issues, bringing in relevant theories and principles.

Environment Relationship Develop an essay on a contemporary topic and analyse certain management issues, bringing in relevant theories and principles.Word limit: 1500 words (+/– 10%) (excluding reference list) Using the following statement, write a critical essay with the use of relevant examples:The external environment of an organisation includes background conditions that influence the organisation, while […]

Prepare a report that should present a case study analysis of the topic you have selected in the organization of your choice.

Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc- Sustainabilty Strategy Prepare a report that should present a case study analysis of the topic you have selected (organisational culture and sustainability strategy) in the organisation of your choice. You should also include a discussion of the specific context of the research, eg Scotland v the rest of the UK, and […]

Identify different aspects of employee engagement in some contemporary firms. What are the implications for the organisation and its stakeholders?

Organisation Design and Management (HR5053QA) Essay questions Summer 2021 Choose one of the following questions. Identify different aspects of structure in some contemporary firms. What are the implications for the organisation and its stakeholders? Draw on theory and empirical evidence in your answer. Identify different aspects of employee engagement in some contemporary firms. What are […]

Critically analyse the challenges and opportunities of effectively and efficiently developing sustainable leadership initiatives including the management of productivity and performance and organisational culture with a focus on profit, people and the planet.

“Critically analyse the challenges and opportunities of effectively and efficiently developing sustainable leadership initiatives including the management of productivity and performance and organisational culture with a focus on profit, people and the planet.”

Examine the impact of leadership practices on employee’s performance and the place of organisational culture.

The impact of leadership practices on employee’s performance and the place of organisational culture Student guidance – critical literature-based assignment Task for assessment: writing a critical account of qualitative methods within a specific area of enquiry Your task involves exploring why qualitative methods have or have not been used in research within your broad area […]

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