
Why do you think the students are encouraged to produce art for trade? Why do you think Madame periodically selects the “best” offerings?

Never Let Me Go Ch. 6 – 9 Link for the book… Consider the relationship our various characters have to art. What does it mean to them? Why? Further, why do you think the students are encouraged to produce art for trade? Why do you think Madame periodically selects the “best” offerings? Given the […]

Describe the influence of the company’s competitive advantage on the behavior of the buyers of the company’s offerings.

Assignment 2: For the specific company of your choice: Identify and describe the company’s “environment” (e.g., their internal, external, and customer environments). Identify and explain the company’s competitive advantage . Describe the influence of the company’s competitive advantage on the behavior of the buyers of the company’s offerings.

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