
Write an Obituary in 125 to 200 words. Find an example of a real obituary and attach the link to your own submission.

Obituary Write an Obituary in 125 to 200 words. Find an example of a real obituary and attach the link to your own submission. When looking for an obituary Be sure to include the following: Address or at least hometown. A lot of modern papers are no longer printing addresses because of safety reasons. Date […]

What types of criteria of evaluation hold the obituary or eulogy together? Why should we respect or admire the person?

Obituary or Eulogy What types of criteria of evaluation hold the obituary or eulogy together? Why should we respect or admire the person? In your discussion of the obituary or eulogy, do your best to consider the ideas and questions. Aim for roughly 500 words, or 2 pages, for this assignment.  

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