
Prepare a paper detailing your selected business’s Mission, Values & Vision statement. Discuss this with your business contact.

Mission, Values & Vision Paper Prepare a paper detailing your selected business’s Mission, Values & Vision statement. Discuss this with your business contact. If they do not have a specific Mission, Values & Vision statements, then you will need to create one from your conversation. When the Marketing Plan is being finalized and you prepare […]

Did Schaaf use the Oakland community’s shared values as the cornerstone of her decision making? Did her decision align with the Oakland City Council’s mission and goals?

CASE STUDY ICE On a Saturday in February 2018, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf announced at a press conference that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would be performing raids around the Bay Area the following day. At the time of her announcement, Schaaf said, “I am sharing this information publicly not to panic our residents but […]

What evidence would you want to see taking place18 months from now in Oakland for these families for the program to be determined a success in your opinion?

https://www.oaklandca.gov/news/2021/mayor-schaaf-announces-guaranteed-income-pilot-oakland-resilient-families In response to the article above: summarize the program in one- two well written paragraphs: What questions do you still have about the program after reading the press release? (Minimum of three) What evidence would you want to see taking place 18 months from now in Oakland for these families for the program to […]

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