New Jersey

Explain what public policy objectives does the New Jersey law serve? What is the law in New Jersey with regard to social host liability?

Chapter 4 – The American Legal system (Pg starts at 136) Brief (see the text on page 141 for “how to brief”) the legal case of Nichols v. Niesen and answer the five questions following the case. What is the law in New Jersey with regard to social host liability? How did this law come […]

How do the federal and state laws have to change to help reduce the lawsuits? Do you think that Facilitated IEP meetings will help reduce lawsuits?

Special Education Rights & Laws Review: The Right to Special Education in New Jersey Review: Parents Rights in Special Education – New Jersey Read: Landmark Cases in Special Education Read: Facilitated IEP meetings Read: The Litigious Mess of Special Education Discussion Questions: Special Education is governed by both federal and state […]

Evaluate an ethical, legal, or policy issue related to an emergency or disaster that public health has responded to at the local, state, national, or international level.

Emergency or Disaster Public Health in New Jersey Choose an emergency or disaster that public health responded to at the USA state of New Jersey state level . Highlight an ethical, legal, or policy issue and discuss and analyze an unintended consequence as a result of the response. Evaluate policies for their impact on public […]

Locate and discuss your county or city All-Hazards Preparedness or Operations Plan, or your Emergency Response Plan for your Community Health Center.

New Jersey State – Somerset County All-Hazards Preparedness or Operations Plan Locate your county or city All-Hazards Preparedness or Operations Plan, or your Emergency Response Plan for your Community Health Center. This can usually be found on the health department web site – check with Google to locate it. Evaluate this plan and address the […]

Create a 3-minute video outline that could be posted on a school special education webpage as a resource for parents of students with disabilities.

Special Education Law Presentation There have been many education policy changes resulting from court cases, laws, and social movements in society. The laws that have formed special education today will most definitely affect the job of a special education teacher. For this assignment, create a 3-minute video outline that could be posted on a school […]

What is one thing that you learned about home vacancy that you didn’t know before after reading the Mallach reading?

Before next week’s class, read the following articles/book chapters, and answer the questions below: Steiner, F., & Butler, K. Planning and urban design standards. John Wiley & Sons, 2007. Read “Housing Needs Assessment”Actions (three pages) Mallach, Alan. The Empty House Next Door: Understanding and Reducing Vacancy and Hypervacancy in the United States.Actions Lincoln Institute of […]

Analyze the ethical and legal arguments against the backdrop of the Roe v Wade, Planned Parenthood v Casey and Right to Choose v Byrne decisions.

Choose 2 of the following 3 Essay Questions. This so-called “Open Book” examination approach is in keeping with the breadth of the inter-relationships of the ethical and legal underpinnings of the practice and administration of contemporary healthcare. Questions : (1&2, 2&3 or 1&3) I.The New Jersey Health Commissioner is keenly aware of the excellent reputation […]

What should be done if a student does not receive the required immunization? Identify the provisions for a medical exemption.

Assignment #5 – Immunizations The control of communicable diseases is one of the original reasons nurses were placed in the school setting. This is one area we are totally responsible for. Administrators rely on the nurse to be the gatekeeper for maintaining school compliance thereby limiting the spread of diseases. Most parents are diligent in […]

What is your personal opinion on why Health Education should/should not be taught in schools. What concerns you most about teaching health education?

Health Education Locate and read the New Jersey Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Standards / New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) and answer the following questions: 1. What is your personal opinion on why Health Education should/should not be taught in schools. What concerns you most about teaching health education? 2. What are the time […]

Do you believe that other states will soon follow Oregon’s lead? Outline the arguments that were made by both the proponents and opponents of Measure 110.

Oregon Voters Approve Ballot Measure That Decriminalizes Hard Drugs On Election Day, Oregon made history by being the first state in the nation to decriminalize the possession of hard drugs. The ballot measure, Measure 110, decriminalizes the possession of small amounts of drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, oxycodone, methamphetamine, and others. According to OPB (Links […]

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