Net Income

What is the value for other comprehensive net income (or net loss), accumulated deficit, and/or retained earnings. How are these values changing?

Using the SEC 10-K for your company, answer the questions below: What were total current assets? What were total current liabilities? What were total assets and total stockholders’ equity (deficit)? Calculate working capital (current assets - current liabilities = working capital) and describe how it changed from last year. If the company has treasury stock, […]

Analyze and interpret the earnings coverage ratios in (A).

Ratio Analysis Exercises and Problems Use the net income statement for Summer Peebles, Inc., below, to do the following assigned problems. 1. Compute the following earnings coverage ratios: 1. Earnings to fixed charges. 2. Cash flow to fixed charges. 3. Earnings coverage of preferred dividends. 2. Analyze and interpret the earnings coverage ratios in (A). […]

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