
Are all levels of the system equally influenced by welfare liberalism, neo-liberalism and the new penology, or are there important differences between the police, courts and corrections on these issues?

Answer the following question: 4-6 typed, double spaced pages. Point form answers are NOT acceptable: use full sentence structures, and make sure you start with an introduction with a clear argument/thesis statement. Include a title page and reference list (course materials). APA/MLA referencing format (just be consistent). 1. Is the criminal justice system truly a […]

Discuss the appeal of ‘luxury’ consumption and how do factors of class and taste inform such consumption?

Discuss the appeal of ‘luxury’ consumption: How do factors of class and taste inform such consumption? In this essay you should write about neo-liberalism and wealth/taste/distinction (where people with ‘better’ material things are seen as of ‘better’/higher class status. One can also consider the idea that more expensive options are more ethical, because they do […]

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