
How well do you think the character of Genji as depicted in the anime corresponds to your impression of him from reading the original tale?

The Tale of Genji In 150-200words, after read the given link, Respond below: Identify one element of the story of the anime that departs from the story as it is told in the original written work. What effect(s) do you think the departure that you have identified might have on interpretation of the story? […]

Discuss the Heian Japan Based on the Diary of Lady Murasaki

Heian Japan Based on the Diary of Lady Murasaki “The Diary of Lady Murasaki” is a piece of literature written in the 11th century by a Heian era woman and writer Murasaki Shikibu. Murasaki was the author of the famous tale duped the “The Tale of Genji” and the work is written in kana and […]

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