
What, according to the author, are some negative effects of multitasking? Would you add any other drawbacks to her list?

Topic: Harmonize Discussion #3 “Response to Reading in Unit 8 “Multitasking or mass ADD?” For your first post, respond to the reading selection below. The paragraphs are numbered: Title: Multitasking or Mass ADD? Written by Ellen Goodman After you have found and read the reading selection above respond to ONLY ONE of 1, 2, or […]

If you were to lead a Freshman Seminar for incoming students, what study strategies would you recommend and why?What cautions woud you give students about multitasking?

Essay 3 (Module/ Week 4): Topic: One of the most important skills for students to master is how to study! Using information from the Learning, Memory and Intellegence chapter in your textbook, discuss the following: If you were to lead a Freshman Seminar for incoming students, what study strategies would you recommend and why? Apply […]

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