
Create a multimodal response (using visual elements and words) that addresses the content, form, and lessons learned from the story.

Response to El Deafo Read this graphic novel. As you read, mark the parts that catch your interest and which you’d like to discuss in class. Since graphic novels rely on visual elements, create a multimodal response (using visual elements and words) that addresses the content, form, and lessons learned from the story. Take a […]

Using your notes and discussion of argumentation from class, suggest whether the essay’s/speech’s/films’ argument is ultimately strong, weak, well-developed, insufficiently supported, etc.

Unit 1: Rhetorical Analysis of a Written/Multimodal Text For this assignment, you will closely analyze an essay or a multimedia material and analyze it rhetorically. Using your notes and discussion of argumentation from class, suggest whether the essay’s/speech’s/films’ argument is ultimately strong, weak, well-developed, insufficiently supported, etc. Keep in mind that you will focus mostly […]

Analyse texts (newspaper or any other relevant articles) using critical discourse analysis and multimodal discourse analysis.

Critical discourse analysis & multimodal discourse analysis Analyse texts (newspaper or any other relevant articles) using critical discourse analysis and multimodal discourse analysis. Refer to linguists such as Norman Fairclough, Theo Van Luuewen, Teun A. Van Dijk, Wodak etc..

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