
Name two vulnerabilities found by Nessus that you would not attack and why. Explain why Nessus is only one step to finding vulnerabilities and how it may be inaccurate.

CYB 362 – Vulnerability Analysis Hands-on Assignment Objective  The objective of this lab is to gain experience in vulnerability analysis. Prerequisites Laptop with internet connectivity Virtual environment One metasploitable machine One Kali machine Lab Setup Go to and sign up for a nessus trial Go to the email you signed up with and copy […]

Explain how you were able to take the company’s sensitive data out of the network. Provide a screenshot of the method by which the data was extracted.

Penetration Test Report Prepared for Hotel Dorsey Introduction In this section, provide an overview and discuss the scope of the penetration test. Note the name of the operating system of the attack machine and discuss the tools that you will use (e.g., Zenmap, Metasploit). Keep in mind that this report will be reviewed by nontechnical […]

Explain the significance of a vulnerability assessment as a core activity of network defense and cybersecurity.

Draft of Training Manual: Vulnerability Assessment 4.1 Significance of Vulnerability Assessment Explain the significance of a vulnerability assessment as a core activity of network defense and cybersecurity. Be sure to define the term and use specific details and examples to illustrate its meaning in a business context. Discuss the key functions of vulnerability scanning technologies. […]

Describe the procedures and tools used to discover the port scanning threats and the systems affected.

Instructions This assessment is a lab that you must complete and an executive briefing report you need to write for the chief information security officer (CISO) at the organization where you work. Be sure you read the instructions for the entire assessment carefully to make sure you address all requirements fully. Complete the Using Ethical […]

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