Kimberle Crenshaw

Discuss the ways that patriarchy and racism intersect and impact Black women in the contemporary moment.

We have established that while race and gender are social constructs, they have material consequences. Critically analyzing the NYTimes video by Texan rapper Megan Thee Stallion, titled “Why I speak up for Black Women,” discuss the ways that patriarchy and racism intersect and impact Black women in the contemporary moment. Using Kimberlé Crenshaw’s concept of […]

Explain fully what Kimberle Crenshaw means by “Intersectionality?”

Video quiz on: 1] TED Talks presentation: “A Queer Vision of Love and Marriage.” 1. How do Katrin and Tiq define: Queer, cisgender, transgender? 2. What does love mean for them? 2] TED Talks presentation: Kimberle Crenshaw on “The Urgency of Intersectionality.” 1. Explain fully what Kimberle Crenshaw means by “Intersectionality?” 2. Describe […]

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