John Stossel.

View the video below. Then explain what question would you ask Brian Brenberg if you could? What do you think Brian Brenberg or John Stossel would say?

Discussion board View the video below before Answering. How millennials view capitalism 1. Is going into a business career a bad thing? Why do some people think it is? How or why could it be a good thing? 2. What is “socialism”? What is “capitalism”? Do some research and summarize both. What are the positives […]

Write a 3-page reaction paper regarding “Worry About the Right Things”, “The Media Likes Scaring Us”, and the Media Hype 20/20 YouTube videos.

Assignment Part one Media Hype assignment directions:(3-4 pages) Read: “Worry About the Right Things” by John Stossel Read: “The Media Likes Scaring Us” by John Stossel Watch: The YouTube Videos 2-6 from 20/20 about Media Hype. Media Hype part 2 YouTube video Media Hype part 3 YouTube video Media Hype part 4 YouTube video Media […]

Post one response to a classmate’s Commentary the response should be your evaluation of whether the Commentary is a critical analysis of the selected primary sources.

History of Work in America Post one response to a classmate’s Commentary. The response is your evaluation of whether the Commentary is a critical analysis of the selected primary sources. Here are the links to view the following videos, “John Stossel ABC News: Are Sweatshops Factories Good” and “Sky TV – Nike Sweatshops and the […]

Write an Interpretation/Reflection paper on chapter twelve of a book called Myths, lies and downright stupidity by John Stossel.

Write an Interpretation/Reflection paper on chapter twelve of a book called Myths, lies and downright stupidity by John Stossel. The chapter is about the pursuit of happiness it talks about myths like money buys happiness, happiness decreases with age.

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