
How did ethical failures or lapses contribute to the disaster? What could have been done differently at Exxon and the other agencies and organizations overseeing the oil transport?

ETHICS & SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY In Chapter 1 on page 23 of the Hartman text, there is a Decision Point entitled “Ethics after an Oil Spill.” After reading that, read the following resources concerning the Exxon Valdez oil spill (including the attachment, which is a portion of an article from Business Ethics Quarterly): https://evostc.state.ak.us/oil-spill-facts/settlement/#:~:text=What%20was%20the%20settlement%20with%20Exxon%3F&text=Exxon%20was%20fined%20%24150%20million,and%20paying%20certain%20private%20claims. Joseph Hazelwood, […]

Choose an example of a marketing campaign not specifically discussed in the textbook that targets a vulnerable population. Describe the marketing effort and the population targeted.

Discussion Paper Advertising executive David Ogilvy, often called the father of modern marketing, once said: “Advertising is only evil when it advertises evil things. (Links to an external site.)” To what extent do you concur? Review the discussion on marketing to vulnerable populations in Chapter 8 of Hartman et al. (2021). Is such marketing ethically […]

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