Choose a genocide that occurred during colonial or post colonial times. Present genocides accepted. Have topic suggestions on 9/30.
Is there hope in stopping genocide ?
Is there hope in stopping genocide The term genocide came out after the Holocaust during the Second World War. However, this was neither the first nor the last incident of genocide. The Genocide Convention held after the end of World War II agreed that among the leaders of the world, genocide would never occur again.
Explain how america is built on freedom but through oppression, slavery, and genocide of native americans
research assignment on native american oppression. how america is built on freedom but through oppression, slavery, and genocide of native americans
Why was there no international intervention in Rwanda during the genocide?
Why was there no international intervention in Rwanda during the genocide?
What should the United States have done in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide?
After reading the Mandelbaum and Hoffman debate on whether foreign policy is social work ● What should the United States have done in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide? Remember there is NO wrong answer. But an excellent answer uses the literature, and recognizes the trade-offs of any policy chosen.
Discuss 10 Stages of Genocide.
Project: 10 Stages of Genocide Part 1 This project is an opportunity to do some research on multiple genocidal events/crimes against humanity. You will choose a particular stage of genocide according to Gregory H. Stanton’s Ten Stages of Genocide. You are able to choose ANY STAGE to focus on and explain. You will use a […]