epidemiological data

Select a disease from current events that is an emerging or reemerging concern to you or people in your area. Provide local epidemiological data for the disease.

Leukemia Pick a disease for your pathophysiology paper. The disease must be for one of the organ systems covered this term listed in the syllabus. Select a disease from current events that is an emerging or reemerging concern to you or people in your area. Provide local epidemiological data for the disease. The paper must […]

Create a comprehensive poster that demonstrates application of foundational knowledge of health promotion theory, community models, epidemiological data, risk, and facilitators and barriers to change.

Sickle Cell Disease Poster Project on Health Outcomes for Children between age 1 years old to 18 year olds children with Sickle Cell Disease. Identify a clinical screening protocol or behavioral change initiative and apply it to a targeted population. Create a comprehensive poster that demonstrates application of foundational knowledge of health promotion theory, community […]

Using your own research, design and create a means or methods by which to evaluate and assess the risk associated with a specific pathological process.

Pathological Process Using your own research, design and create a means or methods by which to evaluate and assess the risk associated with a specific pathological process. Critical review to include: Signs and symptoms of the specific pathological process Causes of the pathological process Epidemiological data related to the pathological process Related disorders Diagnosis Treatment […]

Design and create a respiratory care plan for a patient with acute eosinophilic pneumonia.

Module 3 Activity – Respiratory Care Pan (AEP) Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) is a rare disorder characterized by the rapid accumulation of eosinophils in the lungs (pulmonary eosinophilia). Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell and are part of the immune system. They are usually produced in response to allergens, inflammation or infection (especially […]

Create a 3-5 page paper identifying the health concern that you think is most appropriate to address for the community in your practice environment.

Create a 3-5 page paper identifying the health concern that you think is most appropriate to address for the community in your practice environment. Your choice should be based on the evaluation of the relevant data that you have gathered for your chosen issue. It is important to be able to research, synthesize, and apply […]

Describe and provide the rationale for the selected population/group you have chosen and include relevant demographic and epidemiological data.

COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to conduct a partial community assessment and diagnose one area of need for health promotion related to an identified population. Assignment Guidelines The paper will begin with an overview of your selected population, providing the reader with a rational […]

Providing epidemiological data on your select population with recommendations on addressing disparities.

Select an article that focuses on a population health issue for your select population. The article needs to come from a peer-reviewed research journal. The purpose of the selected article needs to be: Providing background information on a health disparity in your select population. Providing epidemiological data on your select population with recommendations on addressing […]

Evaluate the outcomes of the nursing interventions considering the risks and benefits to the patient of the care that was delivered, considering potential alternatives.

The Student must: • Select a patient with long term condition from recent clinical placement experience • Justify the selection with reference to epidemiological data. • Critically analyse the nursing assessment framework / model used to assess the patient’s holistic needs. • Select 2 elements of the care plan that was devised for this patient […]

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