
How would you react and what could you do now to try to protect yourself and avoid getting caught up in something?

Business Scandal Analysis Watch a movie about a business scandal (this may require a video subscription) and/then research the scandal. Suggested scandals/movies/documentaries: Smartest Guys in the Room (ENRON) (Amazon Prime Channels or Rent) All the Queens Horses (Rita Cranwell, City of Dixon) (YouTube) This is about embezzlement at a City but it is acceptable. Dirty […]

What must be done to not only become an ethical organization but also maintain an ethical culture?

Oganizational ethics What does it mean to be an ethical organization? What must be done to not only become an ethical organization but also maintain an ethical culture? Before you can understand the present and move toward the future, you must have a firm understanding of history. Exploring important dates and the evolution of key […]

Are there certain characteristics of services or products which suggest that regulation of the markets in which those services or products are delivered is more or less necessary?

Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room Watch the film “Enron – Smartest Guys in the Room”. Read the following questions and answer any THREE of them. Couple paragraphs per questions are enough. https://watchdocumentaries.com/enron-the-smartest-guys-in-the-room/ (Links to an external site.) Skilling emphasized in his testimony before Congress that he was only acting in the interests of the […]

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