Cyber Terrorism

What are the legal requirements for a cyber action to meet the definition of an act of war? Should the definition be explicit or should it be left ambiguous?

ASSIGNMENT What are the legal requirements for a cyber action to meet the definition of an act of war? Should the definition be explicit or should it be left ambiguous? What do you feel are the requirements for an act of cyber-terrorism? Why? This is not a paper. it is a posting. being personal is […]

Write a term paper explaining the threat of cyber-terrorism and the role of intelligence to combat it.

The threat of cyber-terrorism and the role of intelligence to combat it. In this assignment, students should create a well-developed main statement that encompasses what the final assignment essay will be about. An outline of the final assignment should be developed. This should include the five-paragraph outline structure using Roman numerals (Intro, body with three […]

Write an annotated bibliography on the threat of cyber-terrorism and the role of intelligence to combat it.

The threat of cyber-terrorism and the role of intelligence to combat it. Write an annotated bibliography on the threat of cyber-terrorism and the role of intelligence to combat it. Annotated Bibliography – Part 1 This will be a term paper Your Annotated Bibliography should consist of 8-10 sources.

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