
Write a sentence (or two) in which you explain what is the new and terrible evil hidden in the proclamation.  What evil does the proclamation send to the two sisters? 

Reading Worksheet Antigone-Ismene Question 1.  In a single complete sentence explain what the word “it” refers to in the line “I knew it well.”  What did Antigone know well?  What is the “it” referencing? HINT: The word “it” is a pronoun.  Like the word says, a pro-noun, stands in for a noun.  In other words, […]

Compare the tension that arises between legality and moral justice in “Shooting an Elephant” and Antigone.

1. Contrast the effects of power on Creon in the play and on Orwell’s narrator in “Shooting an Elephant.” How does the political power in each story shape Antigone or Orwell for the better or for the worse? 2. Compare the tension that arises between legality and moral justice in “Shooting an Elephant” and Antigone. […]

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