Credit cards Your first paragraph should introduce the topic (young people getting credit cards) and provide some background. At the end of your first paragraph it should be clear which position you will be proving to your reader. Your second paragraph should contain one reason for your position and provide evidence from one or more […]
Explain what does freedom look like?
Creative Writing What does freedom look like?
Prepare an article on a Singapore-based study about polytechnic lecturers in their first year of teaching a creative concepts module.
Article Writing Prepare an article on a Singapore-based study about polytechnic lecturers in their first year of teaching a creative concepts module. For your information: For interviews – interviews conducted for 6 to 8 lecturers teaching the Creative concepts module at an Institute of Higher Learning, which is a Polytechnic in Singapore. For Classroom observation […]
Write a 3 to 5 paragraphs paper discussing about Radio active men.
Radio active men Write a 3 to 5 paragraphs paper discussing about Radio active men. Be creative.
Write an essay discussing when was the last time when you were in a very problematic situation.
Creative Writing Write an essay discussing when was the last time when you were in a very problematic situation.
List your topic and subtopic.Briefly describe the results of the paper (papers) you read on your topic. This should be a couple of paragraphs, at least. Be creative.
Chose a topic to research on; Part A: List your topic and subtopic. Part B: Describe why this is an important topic in one paragraph. Part C: Describe the processes involved in your topic. Part D: Briefly describe the results of the paper (papers) you read on your topic. This should be a couple of […]
Write with an admission essay prompt and example. The admission essay to be as creative, unique, and colorful as possible. It has to be engaging and clear to anyone who reads it.
Write with an admission essay prompt and example. The admission essay to be as creative, unique, and colorful as possible. It has to be engaging and clear to anyone who reads it. Provide details about yourself to the writer before they craft an essay that will portray the real you.