How do you think knowing about the Brain Dominance Theory can still help you in the learning process?

Brain Dominance Theory Though it is controversial, how do you think knowing about the Brain Dominance Theory can still help you in the learning process? As you are thinking about this subject, consider how you might enhance your current response to learning and completing assignments or tasks by trying out either new left-brain or right-brain […]

Provide a brief introduction about how you interpret the main idea / topic or issue presented. What is one of the reasons why people take an opposing position to yours?

Chapter 2 , Critique 2 This task should include: (The following guideline for the development of your essay have been selected from Dr. Michael Shapiro’s LAST Prep Workshop materials. (This information has been adapted and included here with his permission, in order to assist you in preparation for the Liberal Arts and Science Test). (Due […]

Propose a topic for your argument paper. Write an information about why you have chosen the topic – why is the topic important to you?

ASSIGNMENT In this assignment, you will need to propose a topic for your argument paper. Your topic should be a controversial question or problem that you have observed or identified, possibly in the field in which you are studying. In the proposal, you will need to include the following: Your focused research question The rhetorical […]

Prepare main statement that must detail an argument that is both provable and controversial.

Topic: Any topic you want with the following parameter—your main statement must detail an argument that is both provable and controversial (some educated, thoughtful people would disagree). As an example, “The State of Kentucky should end the death penalty because of unfairness in its application” would be a good main statement. It is possible to […]

Write an annotated bibliography discussing on the mental health disorder and gun violence in the United States.

Mental Health Disorder and Gun Violence in The United States Write about for your research paper. More specifically, choose sources to include in your annotated bibliography that will help you answer your research question, which should be stated clearly and explained in an introduction to your annotated bibliography. In your annotated bibliography, you should include: […]

Describe a time when you could not reach an agreement with someone on an issue that is considered to be controversial to the public.

Communication During a Debate Answer the following: Describe a time when you could not reach an agreement with someone on an issue that is considered to be controversial to the public. The issue should display an opposing debate that has some degree of emotional charge from politics, ethics, philosophy, or religious beliefs. This can be […]

Complete a 1 to 1 1/2 -page (double-spaced) summary of your ‘viewpoint’ following the instructor-led debate concerning supplements that was presented in class.

Viewpoint summary  For this assignment, you will complete a 1 to 1 1/2 -page (double-spaced) summary of your ‘viewpoint’ following the instructor-led debate concerning Supplements that was presented in class. Objectives: Throughout the course, each student will complete 4 ‘Position Summaries’ of his/her ‘viewpoint’ following the instructor-led debates presented in class. Before each ‘Debate’ lecture, […]

Describe a controversy or debate in forensic psychology, including the legal and psychological significance.

Any topic on controversial issues in forensic psychology The purpose of the Controversial Issues in Forensic Psychology paper is to describe a controversy or debate in forensic psychology, including the legal and psychological significance. An example of a controversy in forensic psychology would be, Should a child be able to testify as an eye witness? […]

Considering issues such as abortion, equal access to education, the use of religious symbols in public schools, etc. Should decisions on controversial issues like these be made by Courts or by Legislators?

Do the Courts have too much power to make policy from the bench? Consider issues such as abortion, equal access to education, the use of religious symbols in public schools, etc. Should decisions on controversial issues like these be made by Courts or by Legislators? Why?

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