
Write a movie review of the film Lamb(2021), which will be published on an online feminist magazine.

MOVIE REVIEW Write a movie review of the film Lamb(2021), which will be published on an online feminist magazine. The movie needs to be analysed in a creative and engaging way, especially focusing on the theme of motherhood (but other analysis and references need to present as well). Make sure not to just re-tell the […]

Write a Precis ( a concise summary of essential points, statements, or facts.) on the reading linked below using the Cinematography chapter 5.

Precis On Cinematography Write a Precis ( a concise summary of essential points, statements, or facts.) on the reading linked below using the Cinematography chapter 5. The reading linked below should be the only source used. Cinematography

Explain how this scene fits in the plot of the film, and how it relates to the larger themes of the film.

Here are the instructions for the assignment: If you choose to complete this Optional Formal Analysis essay assignment, watch the film, M, read the assigned chapter, and go through my “lecture” presentation first. Choose one of the scenes from M, in the video links in Materials below, to analyze. Explain when the scene occurs in […]

Create an art piece of photography or cinematography inspired by your selected art piece.

Art Creation & Reflection – Photography/Cinema Part 1: Art Creation Select a photograph or film art piece to use as a point of inspiration. Create an art piece of photography or cinematography inspired by your selected art piece. Videos should be no longer than 5 minutes and must be in MP4 format. Note: If your […]

Focus on how the creators combine design, story structure (how it unfolds through time and space), and performance to communicate their ideas and connect with their audience.

An analysis of the Fall Major production Kontatewenní:yos ne Tyonathonwí:sen Write an analysis of the Fall Major production Kontatewenní:yos ne Tyonathonwí:sen (the women are free). Focus on 4 aspects of theatre and film creation, choosing from story, performance, cinematography, set design, sound design, lighting design, and/or costume design. Describe the specific choices made by the […]

Why do you think the filmmaker and/or show runner made that decision and what affect does it have on the viewing experience?

Complete a screening analysis sheet from a film or television show of your choice. STARWARS THE PHANTOM MENACE You are required to complete screening analyses from a film or television show of your choice. In your analysis consider the following questions: Does the text conform to the three-act structure (set-up, confrontation and resolution) as described […]

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