Folic Acid Deficiency and Spina Bifida Brief explanation of what spina bífida is, what causes it and the role folic acid plays. Some data: how many people it affects and why this research is so important Subtopics: What is spina bifida? The role of folic acid in preventing spina bifida The recommended daily intake […]
Describe the physiological principles which underpin the use of hydrotherapy. How can midwives ensure the safety of women and babies using hydrotherapy?
Topic: Midwifery 222 MID203 HEALTHY CHILDBEARING 2 Discussion Board 1 Topic: Privacy, labour and pain You have 2 tasks to do as outlined below. Choose one of the questions and write a 200-word answer (include references) Provide an evidence-based comment on at least one of your fellow students’ posts (the aim here is to build […]
Examine the role of the nurse as a culturally diverse practitioner. Determine the influences of their value systems on childbearing and bereavement practices.
Diverse and Culturally-Specific Approaches to Healthcare. Must be <20% Turnitin Score For this assignment, you will examine the role of the nurse as a culturally diverse practitioner. Identify your target audience (i.e. staff nurses, pre-licensure nursing students, etc.) and create a PowerPoint presentation. A nurse educator is preparing an orientation on culture and the workplace. […]