
Write a brief explanation of what spina bífida is, what causes it and the role folic acid plays.

Folic Acid Deficiency and Spina Bifida Brief explanation of what spina bífida is, what causes it and the role folic acid plays. Some data: how many people it affects and why this research is so important Subtopics: What is spina bifida? The role of folic acid in preventing spina bifida The recommended daily intake […]

Describe the physiological principles which underpin the use of hydrotherapy. How can midwives ensure the safety of women and babies using hydrotherapy?

Topic: Midwifery 222 MID203 HEALTHY CHILDBEARING 2 Discussion Board 1 Topic: Privacy, labour and pain You have 2 tasks to do as outlined below. Choose one of the questions and write a 200-word answer (include references) Provide an evidence-based comment on at least one of your fellow students’ posts (the aim here is to build […]

Examine the role of the nurse as a culturally diverse practitioner. Determine the influences of their value systems on childbearing and bereavement practices.

 Diverse and Culturally-Specific Approaches to Healthcare. Must be <20% Turnitin Score For this assignment, you will examine the role of the nurse as a culturally diverse practitioner. Identify your target audience (i.e. staff nurses, pre-licensure nursing students, etc.) and create a PowerPoint presentation. A nurse educator is preparing an orientation on culture and the workplace. […]

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