
Visit OpenWeather and consult the API on the current weather. Use the API to create a visual map showing each location detailed in the scenario.

Open weather API Scenario You are planning a short trip to explore England and want to determine your route based on the current weather in the locations you want to visit. To finalise your itinerary, you need to visit OpenWeather and consult the API on the current weather. The places you want to visit, with […]

Why go to all the trouble of sometimes costly and time-consuming assessments when there are no guarantees they will result in a successful hire?

Staffing and Recruiting Case study: The Johnston Manufacturing Company, home-based in Atlanta, Georgia, has just opened a new division in Birmingham, Alabama. They have completed their recruitment and are now ready to assess their chosen candidates. First, they must review their current assessment methods to determine if they are up-to-date. Some HR employees are wondering […]

Compare the Woodland Park resource to the Denver/Birmingham resources. Are there any watering restrictions for your lawn or garden?

Assignment #1: Water for New Residents Scenario for Assignment #1 You work as a technical writer for your local water utility provider. Your boss has tasked you with creating a flyer/information sheet (double-sided) for new residents that informs them about their water supply and related topics. Analysis questions: On a separate page (can be a […]

Discuss the effect on the minimum transportation cost when capacity at each factory or warehouse is altered by adding or subtracting one ton.

Paint Tran-shipment ProblemA company has two factories, one each at Bristol and Leeds. The factories produce paints which are sold to five wholesalers. The wholesalers are either supplied directly from the factories or through one of the company warehouses, the transportation costs being paid by the company. The company has three warehouses, one each in […]

Write a research paper on Health Inequalities associated with Long Term Conditions experienced by African and Caribbean people living in Birmingham, Lewisham and the UK

Write a research paper on Health Inequalities associated with Long Term Conditions experienced by African and Caribbean people living in Birmingham, Lewisham and the UK – a rapid systematic review

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