Wite a summary of the foundational principles of worship discussed over the past two weeks. What do these concepts teach you about God?

Reflection Journal James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” It is not enough to simply study principles of worship; you must also put them into practice. The purpose of this assignment is to recall and rehearse the biblical foundations of worship and discuss how […]

Based on your study of the scriptures, what would you say are the most compelling passages in regards to developing and implementing team ministry?

DISCUSSION: BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS OF A TEAM Based on your study of the scriptures, what would you say are the most compelling passages in regards to developing and implementing team ministry? Post replies to Each of the three replies one footnote or citation. Each response should have 100 words. Any sources cited must have been published […]

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