Autism Spectrum Disorder

Write a research paper explaining is there a Correlation between Paternal Age and having a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Paternal age Write a research paper explaining is there a Correlation between Paternal Age and having a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder? Focus on the correlation between paternal age and the effects it has on having a child with Autism. Our INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: Paternal Age and DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Child who suffers from autism.

How will you fade your prompts to promote more independence for Zoe? Describe how you will provide reinforcement for Zoe as she learns the new skill so she can become more independent.

Description Zoe is a seventeen year old, high school student who has Autism Spectrum Disorder. She is non-verbal and uses an augmentative communication device to communicate her wants and needs. She does not seek out her peers or adults unless she needs something. She will use her communication device when prompted. One of her objectives […]

Discuss the relationship between Early Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Autistic Children and Success in Adulthood

The Relationship between Early Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Autistic Children and Success in Adulthood Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) comprises of disorders such as Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified under DSM IV. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a Autism Spectrum Disorder that affects an individual’s ability to understand and relate to […]

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder and what causes it?

what is Autism Spectrum Disorder and what causes it? a. What is it? difficulties associated with it? d. Explanations / Theories?- causes the lectures and reading provided is a guide and indication, you should conduct your own literature research. read through information provided such as criteria which shows what you need to do for a […]

Discuss the theory of Mind development in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) compared to typically developing children.

Theory of Mind development in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) compared to typically developing children. Pellicano, E. (2011). Psychological models of autism: an overview. In I. Roth & P. Rezaie (Eds.), Researching the Autism Spectrum: Contemporary Perspectives (pp. 219 – 265). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tager-Flusberg, H. (2001) A re-examination of the theory of […]

Explain appropriate functional skills to be taught in the early childhood setting.

This week’s Journal will focus on functional skills. Write a 1-page reflection that answers the questions given. When working with children with autism spectrum disorder, it is critical to target functional skills. In this week’s reflection, please explain appropriate functional skills to be taught in the early childhood setting. How would you ensure that the […]

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