Audre Lorde

What is the romance myth and summarize Professor Essig’s argument? How does it relate to Stepping Off the Relationship escalator?

Final Journal Assignment Journal Question: As you prepare to end this course with this final journal, reflect on and summarize the key lessons in this unit. Make sure you include evidence that you read the lecture notes and readings. Answer this question: What is the romance myth and summarize Professor Essig’s argument? How does it […]

Read Audre Lorde’s “Uses of the Erotic” and give a summary in your own words. What ideas, stereotypes, or assumptions does this essay challenge?

Journal 3 writing For this journal, read Audre Lorde’s “Uses of the Erotic” and give a summary in your own words. Then mention examples wherever you can and any applications you can make—from current events, pop culture, your own life or a friend’s experience. You may explore ANY of the following questions: What ideas, stereotypes, […]

Write an American Literature essay comparing authors and texts(Yusef Komunyakaa and Audre Lorde).

American Literature After 1865: Paper #3 Write an American Literature essay comparing authors and texts. Selected is the authors/poets, Yusef Komunyakaa and Audre Lorde along with their attached poems, My Father’s Love Letters and From the House of Yumanja, respectively. You may use additional resources if needed.

What do you think she would say are better tools to dismantle patriarchal structures? Provide examples of Risman’s Gender as Social Structure theory (all three levels) as portrayed in the film, On the Basis of Sex.

1. According to Audre Lorde, what are the “masters tools” and why does she insist that they can’t be used to end patriarchy? What do you think she would say are better tools to dismantle patriarchal structures? 2. Describe some similarities between the essays The Yellow Wallpaper and The Problem That Has No Name. What […]

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