
Give an argument for A that satisfies Criterion 2 (i.e. either it is valid or it is inductivelystrong). Give an argument for A that fails to satisfy Criterion 2.

Assignment: Argument Structure Exercises Exercise: Put the following simple arguments into standard form. Tuition rates have not increased, but room and board has. College is therefore moreexpensive, since students have to cover both of these costs. Capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. In those states which have abolished thedeath penalty, the rate of […]

Read the entire Republic as Plato’s attempt to find a solution to one problem: corrupt politicians (or tyrants, in the extreme case). What is the key to  politics, according to Plato?

Plato We hear a lot of talk in the United States about the importance of freedom. On this issue, Plato seems quite alien, for the concept of freedom does not seem to come up much in the Republic. Yet one could argue that Plato is not only concerned with “freedom” but strongly in favor of […]

Write an argumentative essay choosing a side discussing, Rome/Athens: Which had the better form of Citizenship?

Rome/Athens: Which had the better form of Citizenship? Write an argumentative essay. Make sure you choose a side; you can’t argue while sitting on the fence (trying to defend both points of views). Be sure to explain and defend your opinion with facts and evidence from the DBQ Documents Packet. Use “Calibri (Body)” font at […]

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