
Analyze a text, a document, a web site, a speech, or some other textual artifact, conduct a grammatical analysis, and write an analytical essay or article about your analysis.

Grammatical analysis is the study of a text with a focus on how grammar is used to derive meaning. Grammatical analysis can include identifying language patterns (e.g., diction, sentence structure, sentence length, sentence style, active and passive voice) and writing style in relation to the meaning and effect they produce for readers. Think back to […]

Select professional resources that discuss best practices for recruiting, selecting, and hiring staff and analyze the extent to which your school’s procedures align with best practices.

Best Practices in Hiring The intern understands and has the capacity to collaboratively develop the school’s professional capacity through engagement in recruiting, selecting, and hiring staff. Artifact: Hiring practices For this assignment, you will learn as much as you can about your school’s recruiting, selection, and hiring practices. Begin by interviewing your principal to learn […]

Write, and revise how is your contribution to this conversation adding to, and building upon, the existing discourse?

Choose an artifact from the any archive, digital, and investigate a discussion this artifact provokes around a current issue of your choosing. Using this artifact and at least 4 additional external resources, explore the initial context of the facilitating work, the current conversation around that topic regarding dominant and counter narrative(s), and make an original […]

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