
Is there any evidence to suggest that teaching people how to achieve emotional freedom is more effective than simply prescribing antidepressants for those struggling with depression and anxiety or that it improves people’s health in general?

Pico Question #2 Think about a topic of interest or problem that is of interest. Identify your problem using the PICO: Patient/Problem: General Population Intervention: Learning emotional freedom techniques (EFT) Comparison: traditional methods, such as antidepressants with EFT benefits Outcome: improve patient’s overall health Time: During the therapy interval Next, write out the PICO in […]

Do social environments dictate our moods? Should clinicians account for social expectations and the recreational use of drugs when they prescribe mood enhancers?

For this assignment, you will choose an Ethics Paper on the chapter of your choice. You will then read the Ethics Paper and provide a concise response to answer the two (2) questions pertaining to the topic. Your response to each question should be between 1 – 2 pages (double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman Font, […]

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