Anthony Giddens

Analyze gender in one lifestyle media text of your choice. Briefly locate your chosen text in its cultural and historical context.

GENDER Analyze gender in ONE lifestyle media text of your choice using: Judith Butler’s theory of gender trouble and fluid identities. OR Michel Foucault’s theory of lifestyles and technologies of the self. OR Anthony Giddens’s theory of the trajectory of the self In your answer, you should briefly locate your chosen text in its cultural […]

What are the reasons Croll advances to explain why efforts at the international and national levels to address this problem have been ineffective?

RESEARCH PAPER What evidence does Elizabeth Croll put forward to support her claim that female mortality rates in such countries as China and India are so excessive that they constitute a “terrible story of inequality and neglect”? What are the cultural and economic factors that contribute to excessive female mortality in these countries? What are […]

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